The Foundation offers scholarships ranging from $250 to $5,000 for both incoming and current Moraine Valley students.
奖学金 are based on a variety of qualifications, such as:
- Outstanding academic achievement
- 个人成就
- 财务需要
- 领导能力
- 社区参与
- 项目 and fields of study
- 特定的人群
While many scholarships require students to complete a FAFSA form, 没有完成学业的学生也可以获得一些奖学金.
如果您在7月1日之前收到奖励,您将在您的学生电子邮件帐户中收到通知. If you applied for a scholarship last year, 你必须重新申请, as each year all applications are cleared and the process starts again Feb. 1.
You may apply for scholarships at any time throughout the year. 然而, 申请期间的奖学金数量最多,从2月1日开始. 5月1日至10日.
- 点击 on the Apply For Moraine Valley 奖学金 button below.
- 点击 on the blue sign-on button in the upper right corner. 一旦您登录,您的学生信息将被过滤到您的应用程序中.
- 回答一些额外的问题,奖学金计划将自动为您匹配可用的奖学金.
- If t在这里 are additional scholarships you may be eligible for, 您将收到一封电子邮件,指示您返回系统以回答其他问题.
申请奖学金最重要的一个方面是你的论文. 这篇300- 500字的短文让你有机会表达你将如何从获得基金会奖学金中受益,以及你认为评选委员会应该考虑你的原因.
学院的 Speaking and Writing Center can help you with this crucial component of the application.
For questions about the scholarship process, contact 帕蒂Mehallick.
Additional 奖学金
此外,还有来自冰碛谷社区学院基金会的奖学金, t在这里 are several scholarships funded by faculty, staff or departments on campus.
这些奖学金有一个单独的申请过程,在下面的每一个描述中都有概述. 点击或点击下面的附加奖学金框查看所有可用的机会.
让米. Glockler Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Moraine Valley Adjunct Faculty Organization (M.V.A.F.O.), 这些奖学金为在冰碛谷社区学院的教育相关费用提供资金.
数额: Up to $500, depending on funds and qualified applicants
资格: 开放给在职学生(每学期少于11个学分)谁已经参加了冰碛谷至少两个学期, excluding summer school, and have accumulated six credit hours; 目前正在注册 at Moraine Valley and have maintained a minimum 3.0的绩点.
Pickup/Drop-off Location: 在线申请
更多信息: Contact Scholarship Chair 理查德Niezgoda
Named in memory of the former dean of Allied Health, Public Service and Nursing, this scholarship can be used for tuition, 费用, 书, and transportation at Moraine Valley, 只要资金允许.
数额: $500
资格: Must be district resident, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, be currently enrolled in an Allied Health or Nursing Program, 成功修满12个学分,平均绩点不低于3.0.
应用程序s Available: 全年. 只有 这种形式 will be accepted for this scholarship.
Pickup/Drop-off Location: 金融援助 Office (S107)
更多信息: Contact the 金融援助 Office at (708) 974-5726
这项奖学金颁发给在学业上表现优异的地区高中生. It can be used for 15 credit hours of in-district tuition.
数额: Equivalent tuition dollar amount for in-district tuition.
资格: 必须是冰碛山谷地区的居民,并且在第七或第八学期结束时,高中毕业班的累计排名在前10%以内.
Pickup/Drop-off Location: High school 咨询 offices
更多信息: Contact the 金融援助 Office at (708) 974-5726
这些奖学金由冰碛谷学院协会资助,可用于支付学费等大学费用, 书 and 费用 at Moraine Valley. Several scholarships are awarded each semester.
数额: Up to $500, dependent on funds and number of qualified applicants
资格: 开放给全日制或兼职学生谁已经完成了25学分的转学或职业计划在冰碛谷, maintained at least a 3.4平均绩点, 目前正在注册, have obtained the signature of a full-time faculty member, 并在奖学金颁发的学期就读于冰碛谷大学.
应用程序s Available: 全年
截止日期: 秋季截止日期12月. 20, Spring deadline is May 5.
更多信息: Contact Shanya Gray at (708) 608-4380 and (房间S202)
这个奖学金, available every semester, 是由冰碛谷学生政府协会赞助的,可以用来在大学书店购买大学书籍. Full- or part-time students may apply.
数额: $200
资格: Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be currently enrolled at Moraine Valley. 提交一封教职员工或冰碛谷工作人员的推荐信.
应用程序s Available: 全年
Pickup/Drop-off Location: 学生生活 Office (Room U115). 应用程序s are available on the 学生生活 page within MVConnect下的窗体.
截止日期: 因学期而异. Contact 学生生活 Office.
更多信息: Contact Dean of Students, Kent Marshall, at (708) 974-5390 or
这个奖学金, 可以用来继续你在冰碛谷社区学院的学习, 是颁发给冰碛谷学生生活项目的杰出参与者吗.
数额: $1000
资格: Must be involved in 学生生活 Office program(s) and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, with completion of at least six credit hours per semester. 必须完成论文并提供两封由冰碛谷学院教员提供的推荐信吗, staff or administration.
应用程序s Available: 每年三月开始
截止日期: 每年4月
Pickup/Drop-off Location: Contact the 学生生活 Office (Room U115)
这些奖学金为学习成绩优异的学生提供资金,供他们接受各种教育. Awards are funded by Moraine Valley's Support Staff Association.
数额: $200-$300, dependent on funds and number of qualified applicants
资格: 必须在冰碛谷完成15学时,保持至少3.0的绩点, and have obtained a recommendation by a Moraine Valley faculty member.
应用程序s Available: 全年.
Pickup/Drop-off Location: 金融援助 Office (S107)
奖学金金额: 从500美元到1000美元不等
资格: 开放给学生目前注册或计划参加无损检测计划的下一届会议谁是良好的信誉.
应用程序 submission: 应用程序 may be found online or from the Nondestructive Testing faculty. 请退还这个 完成应用程序 to the Moraine Valley Foundation, 学院公园道9000号, 建立M, 房间M220, 帕洛斯山, IL 60465 or email it to 帕蒂Mehallick at
截止日期: Please note this scholarship will remain open until awarded.
更多信息: Contact 帕蒂Mehallick at (708) 974-5551 or
这里列出的奖学金不是由冰碛谷社区学院或其基金会提供的. These scholarships are offered by outside organizations such as clubs, 企业, 慈善机构, and special interest organizations. Explore more scholarship opportunities outside of Moraine Valley.